Thursday, January 10, 2008

Middle Management Video Games

I was driving home from school today listening to Jessie Brown on 99.1 (CBC Radio), where an interesting video game subject was brought up and discussed. A company called Experience Point has created a video game about middle management. Yes, that's right, middle management?!! The game entails a bird's eye view of a cubical farm in which you, the manager, venture around making company decisions, organizing teams, hiring and firing people, and spending fictional company budgets. 

The whole idea and appeal to gaming is the element of escapism, and this game could possibly appeal to a person who does NOT work in this kind of environment. However, the game was designed to aid and engage people who DO work in a management position. Companies actually suggest to their employers that this game and hypothetical scenario is helpful in their real life situations. They believe that the game is an aid in building leadership capabilities, facilitating change, and improving workforce effectiveness. 

Is it possible to bridge the gap between virtual and reality? I don't know if I believe that this gaming process can be so easily applied to real world situations. How can you encapsulate a situation in life that has ever changing and incalculable variables?

1 comment:

ScottyB said...

Hey Katie,
Nice blog! I heard the same feature that day! Is the whole world playing video games?! I have friends in their forties who are addicted to gaming, including Katamari Damacy and Guitar Hero. Ridic.

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Toronto, Ontario, Canada