Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Polar Artist

Today I attended an art show held at the Steamwhistle Brewery called the Northern Extreme Arctic Quest. It was a collaboration of twenty-five artists who ventured on a trip to Greenland. During their quest to the arctic north, each artist expressed their interpretation of their experience. The medium varied from photography to water colour to oils and acrylics. It was interesting to see how each artist communicated their personal experience. 

Not only was this event a great way to see and experience other artist's work, it was a great way to network with local people in the industry. One of my favourite pieces was done by a man named Andrew Sookrah. After mentioning to him that I enjoyed his work, he gave me his card to check out the website for his graphic design studio called Engine Room Creative Inc. Let's see what he is all

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Toronto, Ontario, Canada