Monday, January 21, 2008

Where Does the Time Go?

We were asked in class to evaluate the amount of time 
we spend doing the following:
  • Reading books (school): 4 hours
  • Reading books (leisure): 2 hours
  • Reading magazines: 2 hours
  • Listening to the radio: 1 hour
  • Listening to my ipod: 7 hours
  • Watching television: 12 hours
  • Watching movies: 8 hours
  • Checking e-mail: 1 hour
  • Facebook: 2 hours
  • Surfing the web: 3 hours
  • Playing video games: 2 hours
  • Talking on cell phone: 4 hours
  • Text messaging: 1 hour
Total hours = 49

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Toronto, Ontario, Canada