Saturday, April 19, 2008

My Manifesto

Immerse yourself in new ideas and design - keep up with your craft and continually research what you are involved in.

Question the things around you for inspiration - some of the best ideas come from the most random unexpected places, great ideas are sometimes right in front of your face.

Don't be afraid to design something out of your element - sometimes design isn't always going to be in your comfort zone, it's best to get out there and do something you have never done before.

Stay young - have zest for life, stay young at heart, be positive, and love life, it will process nicely through your work.

Make terrible mistakes - this is supposed to be a learning process, don't be afraid to make horrible mistakes.

Give and take advice - one thing about this industry is that it is SO SUBJECTIVE, its best to get a few perspectives.

Don't self-handicap you or your work - be proud of what you can do, and don't make excuses.

Work through the process - Some of my best work has had a long and drawn out process to boil down to the big idea.

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Toronto, Ontario, Canada