Monday, April 21, 2008

Design Power

What would I use my power to promote? World equality. Much like the article that I read on the Design Revolution, I would like to promote ways in which third-world countries can eat, sleep, be educated and have basic needs be met. I would like to promote this issue in a way that these countries are self sustainable in their own ways, not that ways in which we know. Band-aid effect is not something that I think would be helpful, but a way in which these countries can rely on their own education and design. 

It is a large issue to tackle, but it is out for everyones best interest. Much like how societies work in theory, we have yet to see it actually work, equality shares the same problem...human greed and need to monopolize power of resources. However, I don't think that this issue is something to be ignored. One step at a time, it will be a slow and gradual progress, but a positive one. 

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