Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Design Revolution

I was reading an article by Cheryl Heller, in Communication Arts about an innovative design revolution called D-Rev. Created by a man named Dr. Paul Polak with the intentions of designing the tools to help increase production of crops in poor countries. He states that "the only difference between poor people and everyone else is a lack of money." Polak says that "90% of the designers in the world design products for 10% of people who have a lot of money." D-Rev focuses on the understanding, talent and innovation of the best designers in the world on the vast majority of people who need it the most. This movement has such a purpose behind it other than designing for the people who have the luxury of possessions. It is educating and aiding societies to function on their own, based on their terms. "Like societies in the dark ages, people struggling with poverty have needs more basic  than good typography. They need the essential things that sustain life and learning, and in order to be relevant to them, we need to think the way they do." This Design revolution is about solving problem versus creating. 

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