Friday, March 14, 2008

What Design Work Would I Refuse?

There is always the potential thought of ethics when considering design. What it all boils down to is how important my personal beliefs are, and how defined they are. As of now, there are a few issues that I strongly believe in, and there are a few issues that don't faze or affect me as much. For example, issues that directly affect me such as sexism, and health would be reason enough to turn down a job selling the wrong message. However, there is less of a moral ground for issues that don't phase me as much because of the variables in my life. Experiences such as having children would shape my moral grounds even further, because I am not thinking of just myself. 

I do feel that I would refuse to sell any product or message that does not make me at ease with myself. Such things like: Smoking, Sexism, Racism, and environmental issues would not sit well in my conscience, depending on the level of malicious  intent.

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Toronto, Ontario, Canada