Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Things I've Learned so Far

  • Worrying gets you no where
  • There are very few things that you KNOW for sure
  • Don't put unrealistic expectations on people, you will be let down
  • There is always a positive outlook on things, and just need to recognize it
  • Don't waste time caring about what other people think of you, just be yourself
  • Smiles are contagious
  • Learn to laugh at yourself
  • Aim for the best (you deserve it)
  • Try to really listen, you will be surprised at what you hear
  • Your spirit is the real human experience, not your physical self
  • Speak up for yourself, no one else is going to 

1 comment:

Suelar said...

Who is this person???

What a clear vision of your space and place!!!


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Toronto, Ontario, Canada