Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Command X

We are watching a reality show called Command X. It is about 7 student designers who are competing to win a load of prizes such as fonts, CS3, 1ooo dollars and a chance to show their work to an audience of potential employers. 

For the first half of the show the group has to make a logo for the Denver Broncos. It was interesting to see the results. Some of the students presented very formal logos, some fun, and some took a chance and did something totally different. 

What was even more interesting was the way that they presented. It is clear now that presentation does a lot for selling the experience behind your idea. Most of the contestants were a little shaky at their delivery, and that was most likely because they were nervous.  However, one guy in particular completely  won everyone over with the delivery of his lines (even one of the judges jokingly asked him out on a date). 

As far as the judges, I feel that they don't really take it seriously, there is a lot of joking and laughing at some of the designers work. They also need to realize that this is not a time for them to jabber on about themselves and unrelated stories. 

Overall, I am interested to see who is going to win.

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