Sunday, March 23, 2008

Writing is Design

Writing is design. True. It involves the same way of concept building, and engages the reader in a certain mood or tone being set. Writing is communication as is design. Words are thoughts, and thoughts are what we attempt to shape and express. It is just as important to convey messages through words as it is through visual imagery. 

Saturday, March 22, 2008


One album that I have been listening to lately is called "Some people have Real Problems" by an Australian artist named Sia. She has a fantastic sense of soul and character to her voice and she provides a great insight to her personal experiences. 
One thing for must give her artistic credit for the video posted below. Anyone who would endure cloths pins and condoms on their face deserves a shout out.


My really good friend is a really great photographer, and I am completely showing off his work (ha ha). He attended Sheridan College four years ago, and has travelled to Costa Rica and Hawaii to expand his portfolio. Ladies and Gentleman, may I introduce Mr. Michael Ford:

Are Designers Obliged to do Pro-bono Work?

YES! I feel that are society is too individualistic and segregated. Everyone is out for number one. If we want to see a change in the issues of inequality than we need to take time out of our busy lives to make things right. For example, if there was a women's shelter or an after school centre for kids with unstable home environments, that needed help with their company, we should provide free work.  These services should be putting their money towards the cause and not towards the advertisements. 

I feel that every designer should do at least two projects a year. Each designer should be able to choose the project in which they desire and provide quality end results. In the end, if everyone helped out just a little bit, then we might see a more forward moving country. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Jen Stark

I just discovered an artist by the name of Jen Stark. I am absolutely fascinated with her paper sculptures. I have always been interested in science art, and was reading a science magazine when I made the amazing discovery. Her artwork was used in an article about the human consciousness. Her paper sculptures are so appealing to me because of the colour (I love colour), and the mind boggling detail in every piece. Here are some of her pieces.

Friday, March 14, 2008

What Design Work Would I Refuse?

There is always the potential thought of ethics when considering design. What it all boils down to is how important my personal beliefs are, and how defined they are. As of now, there are a few issues that I strongly believe in, and there are a few issues that don't faze or affect me as much. For example, issues that directly affect me such as sexism, and health would be reason enough to turn down a job selling the wrong message. However, there is less of a moral ground for issues that don't phase me as much because of the variables in my life. Experiences such as having children would shape my moral grounds even further, because I am not thinking of just myself. 

I do feel that I would refuse to sell any product or message that does not make me at ease with myself. Such things like: Smoking, Sexism, Racism, and environmental issues would not sit well in my conscience, depending on the level of malicious  intent.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Command X

We are watching a reality show called Command X. It is about 7 student designers who are competing to win a load of prizes such as fonts, CS3, 1ooo dollars and a chance to show their work to an audience of potential employers. 

For the first half of the show the group has to make a logo for the Denver Broncos. It was interesting to see the results. Some of the students presented very formal logos, some fun, and some took a chance and did something totally different. 

What was even more interesting was the way that they presented. It is clear now that presentation does a lot for selling the experience behind your idea. Most of the contestants were a little shaky at their delivery, and that was most likely because they were nervous.  However, one guy in particular completely  won everyone over with the delivery of his lines (even one of the judges jokingly asked him out on a date). 

As far as the judges, I feel that they don't really take it seriously, there is a lot of joking and laughing at some of the designers work. They also need to realize that this is not a time for them to jabber on about themselves and unrelated stories. 

Overall, I am interested to see who is going to win.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Irene Jacobs and I'm Jac

I found this amazing illustrator named Irene Jacobs. I am in love with the style of her drawings. I feel that they are very much inspired by Mucha (another favourite of mine). Illustration is something that I would like to improve and get into. This is my inspiration.

Selling Experience

Advertisements no longer just sell the product, they sell an experience along with it. I watch quite a bit of T.V., and it has come to my attention that most of the commercials are selling a feeling. Some examples are Kleenex, Kellogg's Rice Krispies, and Rogers Cable. 

Kleenex is doing the campaign for "Let it Out" which is inviting people to take time out of their day and express a story or an emotion. Kleenex is using this as a time for people to be finally listened to. Happy or Sad stories, kleenex is there for them.

Kellogg's Rice Krispies is running the "Big Brother/Baby Brother" campaign. The story is of a young boy who refuses to eat his breakfast. His mother fears nothing as the big brother comes downstairs to try the Rice Krispies with excitement. The baby brother now sees his big brother enjoying the breakfast and begins to copy his idol. Not once did this ad say anything about the product itself. Instead, they chose to focus on the relationship between the two boys.

Lastly, Rogers cable and the "Male Bonding" advertisements. This is the commercial where the father is watching the hockey game, his wife goes up to bed, and his boy is awaked claiming that he can't sleep. The father is just about to turn of the T.V. to tend to his son's needs, when suddenly he recognizes a good opportunity to bond with his son, and lets him watch the end of the game. Again, Rogers does not pith one feature or savings with their cable company, they are simply selling an experience. 

I believe that commercials have always been selling the experience, however it is a lot more prominent today. We as consumers have adjusted to the constant bombardment of advertising. Now it is imperative to sell something more than just the product.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Things I've Learned so Far

  • Worrying gets you no where
  • There are very few things that you KNOW for sure
  • Don't put unrealistic expectations on people, you will be let down
  • There is always a positive outlook on things, and just need to recognize it
  • Don't waste time caring about what other people think of you, just be yourself
  • Smiles are contagious
  • Learn to laugh at yourself
  • Aim for the best (you deserve it)
  • Try to really listen, you will be surprised at what you hear
  • Your spirit is the real human experience, not your physical self
  • Speak up for yourself, no one else is going to 

Ten Things that Make Me Happy

There are so many things that make me happy these are the first ten that I thought of:

1. Family
2. Being unrestrained
3. Comfort of my home
4. Music - listening and singing at the top of my lungs
5. Completing something successfully
6. Being at peace with myself
7. Making people laugh
8. A fresh set of Mondays crosswords
9. Overcoming a challenge
10. Traveling and creating new experiences

About Me

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Toronto, Ontario, Canada