Sunday, February 3, 2008

Print All The Way!

Currently I am reading a fictional book called Paint it Black for my own pleasure. Other than that, I am reading books for school like: Understanding Semiotics, Making and Breaking the Grid and Stop Stealing Sheep and Learn How Type Really Works. I also read a lot of design magazines such as: Applied Arts, Juxtapoz, Communication Arts, and Computer Arts. 

In my opinion I don't think print will die. Even if it becomes a less popular way of communication, it will never fade out. There is something about the feeling of physically holding and owning a piece of print. Even though media makes it so much easier to obtain information, I feel that it is just another medium. Digital books would never over throw the book simply because it is not convenient, and you lack a certain personal touch. When I read from printed book, I like the smell of the paper and the way it feels when the crease in the spine starts to travel to the back-end of the book. I like to keep my books as a sort of reward and trophy for finishing them. And lastly I like to use all of my books as part of the decor in my house (they stack nicely and look good on the walls). However, I don't go to the library that much anymore, because, in this case, the internet is much more convenient.

Print will always serve it's purpose, however, as designers we are going to have to consider all directions of communication. Especially considering all of the new media outlets that Mac is producing!  It would seem like print is no longer needed, however, I don't see it that way. There is a sort of disconnection between you and your computer. If people still have sense of human touch, then there will be a reason to still design for print. Just because you can look at beautiful art on screen, doesn't stop people from buying it. Perhaps when we design for print, we have to now consider all other media forms. We need to think more versatilely.

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Toronto, Ontario, Canada