Sunday, February 10, 2008

Dirty Dancing

I just got back from Dirty Dancing show at the Royal Alexandra Theatre. It was so good! I have seen the movie a thousand times, and the show still blew me away. One of the main reasons why I enjoyed it was the choreography. 
Seeing it on screen and seeing it in the theatre are two very different things. You connect with the actors and appreciate the dancing and singing much more than television. The set was brilliant and something I had never seen before. They used an electronic screen in the background that changed with the different scenes.  They also used digital music instead of an orchestra. If there was one thing to critique, I would have to say that there could have been more singers. The show was a dance inspired show, however, there were times when I felt the actors should break into song. On that note, the two actors that did the majority of singing, were fantastic, all the other small singing parts did not hold strong well-developed voices. 
All in all, if I had to rate Dirty Dancing out of ten I would give it a strong nine. 

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