Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My Responsibility as a Designer

As a designer I believe it is my responsibility to create and deliver information that inspires thought and provokes emotion. I believe that designers have the ability to make change and stimulate new ways of thinking. The work that I create to the best of my ability, is the work that has the power to speak to others on a personal scale. I believe that it is my duty to make my work speak out and touch people. It is my duty as a designer to believe in myself and to believe in my work.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Moving Art

This art not only looks cool, IT MOVES! Psych! No it doesn't. It is in fact your eye that sees information and it is your brain that perceives it. Maybe something to also consider when designing?


Gestalt Theory at Work


Aoccdring to a rseearch sduty at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid does not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlhoe.

I couldn't believe that I could easily read this information. It really applies to the Gestalt theory about perception, which is good to consider when designing in the future.

Design Is...

Design is a reflection of everything around us. Ask not what is design, but rather, what isn't? We as a species are designed within our own skin.  It is essentially the output and result of all expression. It is a process to solving problems. And it it is what makes up the entire universe. 

Dirty Dancing

I just got back from Dirty Dancing show at the Royal Alexandra Theatre. It was so good! I have seen the movie a thousand times, and the show still blew me away. One of the main reasons why I enjoyed it was the choreography. 
Seeing it on screen and seeing it in the theatre are two very different things. You connect with the actors and appreciate the dancing and singing much more than television. The set was brilliant and something I had never seen before. They used an electronic screen in the background that changed with the different scenes.  They also used digital music instead of an orchestra. If there was one thing to critique, I would have to say that there could have been more singers. The show was a dance inspired show, however, there were times when I felt the actors should break into song. On that note, the two actors that did the majority of singing, were fantastic, all the other small singing parts did not hold strong well-developed voices. 
All in all, if I had to rate Dirty Dancing out of ten I would give it a strong nine. 

Friday, February 8, 2008

Post Secret

Are you ever haunted by a deep dark secret? Do you ever want to tell just one person? Well if you are in dire need to release the building pressure of your inner most secret, then you will love the idea behind this blog site. This blog was created by a guy named Frank Warren. You simply splash your skeletons on the site for everyone to read (it is of course anonymous). It is designed beautifully and really shows a lot of dark and sometimes sad and depressing secrets. The idea was so popular that he ended up making two coffee table books out of the stories. I think that this is a really cool idea, and a great way to relieve that burden off your chest. Check out some crazy secrets at

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Trajan The Movie Font

I was searching around one day and I found this on you tube. I thought it was pretty funny. I didn't realize that so many movies are apt to use the same typeface for a lot of different genres. I can see now that Trajan it is clearly over used. Next time you are in the movie store just take a look at, and you will probably notice the same thing. Check out what this guy has to say.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Cool Ads

These ads are innovative in using the environment around them as design elements.  I think they are really affective at getting their message across. This kind of advertising is at the height of creativity and leaves a lasting impression on its audience.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Print All The Way!

Currently I am reading a fictional book called Paint it Black for my own pleasure. Other than that, I am reading books for school like: Understanding Semiotics, Making and Breaking the Grid and Stop Stealing Sheep and Learn How Type Really Works. I also read a lot of design magazines such as: Applied Arts, Juxtapoz, Communication Arts, and Computer Arts. 

In my opinion I don't think print will die. Even if it becomes a less popular way of communication, it will never fade out. There is something about the feeling of physically holding and owning a piece of print. Even though media makes it so much easier to obtain information, I feel that it is just another medium. Digital books would never over throw the book simply because it is not convenient, and you lack a certain personal touch. When I read from printed book, I like the smell of the paper and the way it feels when the crease in the spine starts to travel to the back-end of the book. I like to keep my books as a sort of reward and trophy for finishing them. And lastly I like to use all of my books as part of the decor in my house (they stack nicely and look good on the walls). However, I don't go to the library that much anymore, because, in this case, the internet is much more convenient.

Print will always serve it's purpose, however, as designers we are going to have to consider all directions of communication. Especially considering all of the new media outlets that Mac is producing!  It would seem like print is no longer needed, however, I don't see it that way. There is a sort of disconnection between you and your computer. If people still have sense of human touch, then there will be a reason to still design for print. Just because you can look at beautiful art on screen, doesn't stop people from buying it. Perhaps when we design for print, we have to now consider all other media forms. We need to think more versatilely.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Typographic Maps

I was doing some research, and came across a famous designer named Paula Scher. She has some fantastic type work. Check out her typographical maps, they are so complex and beautifully laid out. I love her style.

About Me

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Toronto, Ontario, Canada